The service uptime for any shared hosting account is of significant importance. If you are using a server which has regular problems and your website is not online for extended periods of time, it is more likely that visitors will not return. Assuming you have an online store, for instance, it will mean lost customers and less profit. Your internet sites might even get penalized by search engines with lower rankings regardless how good their content is. To protect yourself from this kind of scenario, always ensure that the hosting service you get is stable. That way, the success of your website will depend solely on its content and your marketing campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related aspects that you've got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting

Using a shared hosting account from our company, you'll be able to enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We have essentially eliminated the downtime since we use a sophisticated cloud hosting platform and we don't manage everything on a single web server as the vast majority of providers do. Alternatively, we run each and every service on an individual group of web servers, so your files, email messages, databases, etc, are going to be handled by different servers. That way, we are able to also balance the load way more efficiently and guarantee the stable functioning of your sites at all times. The availability of the servers is guaranteed by a couple of backbone Internet providers and diesel powered backup generators, so your websites will be working no matter what. We also have admins checking the servers twenty-four hours a day, which includes weekends & holidays, and they will deal with any unanticipated issue that may show up.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Through our semi-dedicated server solutions, you will take advantage of a 99.9% service uptime and you can now forget about any interferences you may have experienced with other service providers. Unlike the majority of hosting companies, we do not run everything on one hosting server. As an alternative, each and every part of the hosting service, such as the file storage, e-mails, databases, Control Panel, stats, etc., has its own clusters of web servers. If one web server fails, the others will take over, so your websites will never be affected. We employ an innovative load-balancing platform which guarantees the optimal performance of both our servers and the internet websites accommodated on them. A number of independent Internet providers and diesel powered generators are our backup in the event of an infrastructural problem, while a group of qualified professionals, that is available 24/7, monitors the system in case of software issues. Using our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, your websites are going to be working no matter what.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Hosting

The server uptime shall never be a problem when you get a virtual private server from our company. The physical web server in which your account is set up will be working at least 99.9% of the time and this includes routine maintenance procedures, therefore you will be able to take advantage of a speedy and really secure hosting service all of the time. To prevent any chance of service interruptions, our data centers use numerous Internet suppliers and powerful diesel generators to ensure that nothing will affect the proper work of your sites. We also have a team of skilled professionals that will resolve immediately any software issues that might appear, while hardware difficulties are avoided by using new and diligently tested hosting server parts and hard disks working in RAID. In the eventuality of DDoS attacks, we've got hardware and software firewalls to filter the undesired traffic to your hosting server.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting

All of our dedicated solutions come with a 99.9% web server and network uptime guarantee and maintenance procedures are contained in the other .01% of the time. We check out each server diligently before we hand it over to the client and we use new hardware components to prevent any probability of hardware troubles. Any unpredicted software problems will be resolved right away by our system admins as they monitor all the machines 24/7. In order to avoid infrastructural complications, our data center facility in downtown Chicago takes advantage of powerful diesel backup generators, while the connection to the servers is ensured by redundant fiber lines from different backbone Internet providers. To be on the safe side, we also have software and hardware firewalls, so even if your sites are flooded, we can respond instantly and filter the unwanted traffic before it reaches your dedicated server and interferes with the proper functioning of your Internet sites.